
In the last paragraph, the writer again refers to the fire as a living creature by saying

A. can be blown around by the wind
B. dwarfs man's best efforts
C. heats the air above it
D. may still win the struggle


Shoes are outer coverings for the foot. They have soles, and most have heels. The upper part of most shoes extend no higher than the ankle. Boots are footwear that reach beyond the ankle. People wear shoes to protect their feet from harsh weather, sharp objects, and uncomfortable surfaces. Shoes are also an important part of people's clothing. As a result, fashion often determines the style. of shoes that individuals wear. The desire to be fashionable has led to many unusual shoe styles. In the 1300's, many European men wore shoes called crackowes, which had an extremely long toe. From the 1300's to the 1700's, some European women wore shoes with really thick soles causing walking to be virtually impossible without support. Shoes once worn in the Orient were connected to a stilt(高跷) as high as six inches.
Traditionally, most shoes are made of leather. But many other materials are now used. Including canvas, velvet, and synthetic substances such as plastics. Footwear materials and style. vary somewhat, depending on climate, custom, or other differences. Farmers in Netherlands often wear heavy wooden shoes that protect their feet from the damp environment while Japanese wear shoes outside their home but prefer soft slippers at home. In fact, people in some regions often wear foot coverings other than shoes. Some wear sandals during the hot summer and switch to warm boots for the cold winter.
What is the main topic of the passage?

A. The history of the shoes.
B. Shoes around the world.
C. The definition of shoes.
D. Shoes and fashion.


A. careless
B. forgetful
C. thoughtful
D. foolish

Throughout its history, China has been a rich source of inventions. Silk, the compass, tea and porcelain originated there. In addition, they are responsible for the invention of paper and printing. The Chinese had used ink as early as 1 200 B. C. , an excellent type which they made from lampblack and which is known in English as India ink or China ink. By the end of the first century A. D. , the Chinese had invented paper.
The Chinese also invented printing. Early Chinese printing is called block printing. The printer carved raised characters on a block of wood, wet the surface of the characters with ink, and pressed sheets of paper against them. Printers in the 11th century went on to invent movable type of baked clay. The characters of the movable type could be rearranged to form. different words and thus be used over and over again. The Chinese alphabet has about 40 thousand characters. Because of the difficulty of producing so many pieces of type, most Chinese printers continued to use block printing.
A good synonym for underlined word "descendants" in paragraph 1 is ______.

A. foreigners
B. following generations
C. enemies
D. fossilized remains


A. 对城市从感性认识上升到理性认识的必要过程
B. 对城市未来发展做出的预测,是实践性很强的工作,对城市现实状况把握的准确与否是规划能否发现现实中的核心问题、提出切合实际的解决办法,从而真正起到指导城市发展与建设的关键作用的基础
C. 调查研究所获得的基础资料是城市总体规划定性、定量分析的主要依据
D. 必须建立在科学的调查研究和分析的基础上,弄清城市发展的自然、社会、历史、文化的背景以及经济发展的状况和生态条件,找出城市发展建设中要解决的重要矛盾和问题
