A. 死亡事故、伤人事故、财产损失事故
B. 重大事故、特大事故、一般事故、轻微事故
C. 故意事故、过失事故、意外事故
D. 单车事故、双方事故、多车事故
发生轻微财损事故,对应当自行撤离现场而未撤离的,交通警察应当责令当事人撤离现场;造成交通堵塞的,对驾驶人处以( )元罚款。
A. 200
B. 100
C. 50
D. 10
适用简易程序处理道路交通事故,不具备当场制作条件的,交通警察应当在( )日内制作道路交通事故认定书。
A. 20
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
简易程序中,有下列( )之一的,不适用调解,交通警察可以在道路交通事故认定书上载明有关情况后。
A. 当事人对道路交通事故认定有异议的
B. 当事人拒绝在道路交通事故认定书上签名的
C. 当事人不同意调解的
D. 双方当事人一致要求的
[音频]Listen to the recording and choose the best answer.1) Which of the following does not change according to Einstein? ______A. TimeB. MassC. Speed of lightD. Length2) The two spaceships mentioned are exactly alike except for ______.A. speedB. colorC. massD. motion3) What does the scientist in the spaceship measure? ______A. The speed of the spaceship.B. The time needed for a beam of light’s travel in the spaceship.C. The speed of the other spaceship.D. The time needed for a beam of light’s travel in the other spaceship.4) What did the scientist in the red ship see or conclude? ______A. His beam of light does not appear to go straight up.B. The beam of light in the blue ship appears to come straight down.C. Time passed more slowly in the red ship.D. The blue ship is shorter than the red one.