(翻译此句)如果让我给你一条如何应对大学挑战的建议,那就是:相信自己!If I could __________1____________ about how to cope with the college _______2_________, it would be this: Believe in yourself!
(翻译)有些人没有大学文凭也获得了成功。一个绝佳的例子就是微软公司创始人比尔•盖茨,他在大三时就从哈佛退学了。(achieve)Some people _______1__________ even though they did not have college diplomas._________2________ is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year.
(翻译此句)开始享受可以松口气的喜悦吧。Begin to _________1_________ feeling relief from it.
“顾客让渡价值”是顾客总价值与顾客总成本之间的( )
A. 关系
B. 差额
C. 加法
D. 除法
A. 时间
B. 精力
C. 精神
D. 产品价值