
党的十九大提出了把党的( )纳入党的建设总体布局并摆在首位。

A. 思想建设
B. 组织建设
C. 政治建设
D. 作风建设


2021年是“十四五”开局之年,“四个全面”战略布局的内涵已经演化为“全面( )、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党”。

A. 建成小康社会
B. 实现伟大复兴
C. 建设社会主义新中国
D. 建设社会主义现代化国家

listen to the transmission or shortexchangeand choose the correct answer.

A. Unknownvehicle crossing runway
B. Uncontrolled aircraftcrossing runway
C. Runway blocked by broken vehicle
D. Runway blocked by broken traffic

listen to the transmission or shortexchangeand choose the correct answer.[音频] 题干和音频2 是个短对话,呼号有错,不一致。

A. Make a touch and go
B. Make a low approach
C. Make a missed approach
D. Make a low pass

listen to the transmission or shortexchangeand choose the correct answer.[音频] 题干和音频6 是一个短对话,呼号有错,不一致,不管

A. Fly runway heading to 3000 feet
B. Maintain 3000ft until the outer maker
C. Fly runway heading to 2500 feet
D. Maintain 2500ft until the outer maker
