
"Every" falls upon us _______ times and "cry" ______times.

A. six; three
B. seven; three
C. five; four
D. five; three


Within the poem, Blake describes _______ London as a hell filled with people who are confined to the hopelessness and misery of their situation.

A. 16th-century
B. 17th-century
C. 18th-century
D. 19th-century

"Elohim creating Adam"was created by William Blake ______.

A. in 1795
B. in 1794
C. in 1798
D. in 1799

The painting "Pity" was created for Shakespeare's _______.

A. Hamlet
B. Macbeth
C. King Lear
D. Othello

An average word has three component parts:______, ______, and _______.

A. meaning
B. sound
C. denotation
D. connotation
