About 200 different lactamases identified ; B. They can break the beta- lactam ring of the antibiotics ; C. Most enzymes are encoded by the genes in the chromosome frequently; D. They can spread among bacteria by horizontal gene transfer.
A. penicillin, B. streptomycin, C. vacomycin, D. Cephalosporin.
A. silent mutation; B. missense mutation, C. nonsense mutation; D. Frameshift insertion.
A. porin in the outer membrane; B. P12 of 30S ribosome , C. β-unit of RNA polymerase ; D. lipoprotein in cell wall.
A. Bacteria absorb folic acid from the environment; Bacteria alter P12 of 30S ribosome , C. Bacteria with mutatedβ-unit of RNA polymerase ; D. Bacteria produce beta-lactamases.
An efflux pump is a membrane active protein. B. An efflux pump works without consumption of ATP. C. Efflux pumps can pump more than one type of antimicrobials out of a cell. D. Efflux pumps can confer multi-drug resistance to bacteria.
A. Barriers formed to block accumulation of antibiotics in bacterial cells; Bacteria produce enzymes which can break the structures of antibiotics; C. The bacterial molecules surround the antibiotics of penetrating the cells; D. Bacterial Ribosome protein mutated so that antibiotics can not bind them.
A. peptidoglycan, B. hemolysin C. Protein porin channels in outer membrane D. M protein in the cell wall.
A. β-unit of RNA polymerase, B. lipoprotein C. P12 of 30S subunit of ribosome D. Protein porin channels in outer membrane .
A. The bacteria grow in the presence of a drug that can kill it.<br> B. Therapeutic concentration of the drug is lower than its MIC;<br> C. Therapeutic concentration of the drug is higher than its MIC;<br><br style="white-space: normal;"><br> D. No inhibition zone is found around the drug paper disk on diffusion susceptibility<br style="white-space: normal;"><br style="white-space: normal;">