A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5
A.遗弃 B.车站保管 C.自行处理 D.安全检查
A.站台 B.站厅 C.入口 D.乘客服务中心
A.车站客运服务人员 B.保洁人员 C.安检人员 D.志愿者
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
A、刷卡进站 B、上下列车 C、搭乘扶梯 D、进出车站
A.Your attention please! Please add-value at the Custermer Sercice Center as the Value Machines are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. B.Your attention please! Please buy ticket at the Custermer Sercice Center as the ticket machines are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. C.Your attention please! Please follow staff directions to enter as the entry gates are not working. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. D.Your attention please! Station lighting is under emergency repair but trains are still running. Please contact staff if you need any assistance. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
A.No balloons are allowed in metro. B.Please don't squat, it is dangerous. C.All passengers, please be careful and stay back. D.Please stand behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train.
A.倾听、交流、辩解、快捷 B.拖延、克制、沟通、妥协 C.理解、克制、真诚、快捷 D.解释、申诉、交流、沟通
A.各位乘客,为了您和他人的安全,请在黄色安全线内排队候车,谢谢合作 B.上车的乘客请注意,请小心列车与站台的空隙,先下后上,谢谢合作 C.各位乘客,车门即将关闭,没有上车的乘客请您耐心等候下一趟列车,谢谢合作 D.您好,为了您和他人的安全,请不要携带气球乘车,谢谢合作