- 网络操作系统为支持分布式服务功能,提出了一种新的网络资源管理机制,即 ______。
- You are too careful to do anything.
- 副溶血性弧菌食物中毒的好发食品为( )
- 以FAD为受氢体的氧化脱氢反应是( )
- 在对某班的肺活量与体重的调查中,测出肺洁量的标准差为3.20L,体重标准差为3.17kg,那么二者的变异度为( )
- 引起鲜黄花菜中毒的有毒物质是( )
- 我国允许用作防腐剂的是( )
- 奠定西方医德学传统的文献是( )
- 所有的密钥都有生存期,通常隋况下一个密钥的生存周期主要经历以下几个阶段,以下各选项,中顺序正确的是 ______。
- 无线局域网所使用的扩频的两种方法是:跳频扩颁和 ______。
- 一组正态分布曲线. =(X- )/ 变换后将成为什么曲线( )
- 食品生产经营者( )
- 可首选用于流脑( )
- 目前主要的运营网络有电信网、有钱电视网和计算机网。其中 ______ 采用电路分组和分组交换实现备用户之间的通信。
- 营养性小细胞低色素性贫血( )
- (Look at) the beautiful (flowers) here! (How) wonderful they (are smelling).
- With oil prices keeping______, people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.
- RNI制订基础是( )
- 短时间内吸入大量的聚四氟乙烯热解气后,出现的症状有( )
- 有关生物氧化的叙述,下列哪项是不正确的和 ATP( )
- 下面关于超文本的叙述中,不正确的是 ______。
- If you go to the movie tonight, so______I.
- (Every now and then) he (would) come here (paying a visit to) his old aunt, who lived (all alone) in a small house.
- That is the course of studies ______.
- The passengers (saw) the thief (stole) (on the bus), but they (didn't say) anything.
- 心动周期中,左心室容积最大的时期是( )
- 采用作业法进行测验的为( )
- 监理工程师在实施阶段进行进度控制的依据是______实施进度计划。
- It is (about time) that we (go to supper), (for) we still have a meeting (to attend) this eve-ning.
- Charles Babbage is generally considered______the first computers.
- 英国拉非尔前派的后期画家是 ( )
- 黄梅戏中的代表剧目是 ( )
- Alice trusts you. Only you can______her to give up the foolish ide
- You don't know about the difficulty I had______the work then at all.
- 下列叙述中错误的是( )
- 水源卫生防护措施中以下哪一项不正确( )
- 《米德哈尼斯的林荫道》的作者是荷兰画家 ( )
- 下列( )类属于java. util.jar 包。
- ______is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improve-merit.
- A man is being questioned in relation to the______murder.
- 在设计程序时,应采纳的原则之一是( )。
- John likes Chinese food, but be______eating with chopsticks.
- Professor Smith, along with his assistants, ______on the project day and night to meet the deadline.
- Whom would yourather have______the computer, Mr. Lin or Mr. Chen
- 被改编为戏剧的同名小说《茶花女》是______的代表作。 ( )
- Text 3When I was a child in Sunday school, I would ask searching questions like "Angels can fly up in heaven, but how do clouds hold up pianos" and get the same puzzling response about how that was not important, what was important was that Jesus died for our sins and if we accepted him as our savior, when we died, we would go to heaven, where we’d get everything we wanted. Some children in my class wondered why anyone would hang on a cross with nails stuck through his hands to help anyone else; I wondered how Santa Claus knew what I wanted for Christmas, even though I never wrote him a letter. Maybe he had a tape recorder hidden in every chimney in the world.This literal-mindedness has stuck with me; one result of it is that I am unable to believe in God. Most of the other atheists I know seem to feel freed or proud of their unbelief, as if they’ve cleverly refused to be sold snake oil. My husband, who was reared in a devout Catholic family and served as an altar boy, is also firmly grounded on this earth. He doesn’t even have the desire to believe. So other than baptizing our son to reassure our families, we’ve skated over the issue of faith.Some people believe faith is a gift; for others, it’s a choice, a matter of spiritual discipline. I have a friend who was reared to believe, and he does. But his faith has wavered. He has struggled to hang onto it and to pass it along to his children. Another friend of mine never goes to church because she’s a single mother who doesn’t have the gas money. But she once told me about a day when she was washing oranges as the sun streamed onto them. As she peeled one, the smell rose to her face, and she felt she received the Holy Spirit. "He sank into my bones," she recounted. "I lifted my palms upward, feeling filled with love."Being no theologian, and not even a believer, I am not in a position to offer up theories, but mine is this: people who receive faith directly, as a spontaneous combustion of the soul, have fewer questions. They have been sparked with a faith that is more unshakable than that of those who have been taught. In the third paragraph the author uses the example of the single mother to indicate that faith()
- 在长度为64的有序线性表中进行/顷序查找,最坏情况下需要比较的次数为( )。
- Her brother______to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.
- With Airbus’s giant A380 airliner about to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger and you would be right. For a given design, it turns (1) , there comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate (2) lift to carry their own weight. (3) a new way of designing and making materials could (4) that problem. Two engineers (5) University College London have devised an innovative way to customise and control the (6) of a material throughout its three dimension al structure.In the (7) of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, (8) the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more (9) . It is like making bespoke materials, (10) you can customise the physical properties of every cubic millimetre of a structure.The new technique combines existing technologies in a(n) (11) way. It starts by using finite-element-analysis software, of the type commonly used by engineers, (12) a virtual prototype of the object. The software models the stresses and strains that the object will need to (13) throughout its structure. Using this information it is then (14) to calculate the precise forces acting on millions of smaller subsections of the structure. (15) of these subsections is (16) treated as a separate object with its own set of forces acting on it--and each subsection (17) for a different microstructure to absorb those local forces.Designing so many microstructures manually (18) be a huge task, so the researchers apply an optimisation program, called a genetic algorithm, (19) . This uses a process of randomisation and trial-and-error to search the vast number of possible microstructures to find the most (20) design for each subsection. 4()
- 《加莱义民》是______的雕塑作品,表现的是英法百年战争中的事件。 ( )
- (Despite) his old (age), he is still (very) (healthful) and often works in the field.
- 题材是指艺术品所表现的 ( )
- 日本黑泽明导演的影片是 ( )
- The information (which) she (was injured) in (the accident) (was given) by Liz.
- 著名作曲家刘天华《汉宫秋月》是______曲。 ( )
- The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without______his notes.
- Text 4According to studies cited by the National Eating Disorders Association, 42 percent of girls in first through third grade want to be thinner, 81 percent of 10-year-olds are a {raid of being fat, and 51 percent of 9- and 10-year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet.In many ways, this fixation on weight at ever earlier ages comes at an inopportune time physiologically. At a recent Hadassah meeting at the Woodlands Community Temple in White Plains, Dr. Marcie Schneider, the director of adolescent medicine at Greenwich Hospital, and Erica Leon, a registered dietitian, spoke about early adolescence as a time when a little hit of pudginess is necessary for proper growth, and youngsters wrestle constantly with their body image."I can’t tell you how many kids I’ve seen who’ve been on the Atkins diet, or on the South Beach diet," Ms. Leon said, adding that overweight children who try diets can be at risk of developing eating disorders.After the presentation, three mothers from Hartsdale who wanted to help their children avoid such issues spoke about how their young daughters are already beginning to become weight-conscious.Anorexia is a mental illness in which the victim eats barely enough to survive, because her distorted thinking makes her think she is fat. Bulimia, a mental illness in which someone binges on large amounts of food, then purges it through vomiting or the abuse of laxatives, is on the rise, and is surfacing in younger and younger patients, mostly girls, said Judy Scheel, the director of the Center for Eating Disorder Recovery in Mount Kisco.About 90 percent of victims of eating disorders are female, and often the male victims are on teams like wrestling and crew, where they must keep their weight low for competitive reasons. Dr. Scheel believes that where girls claim the eating disorder enables them to be thin, boys typically state their goal is to achieve or maintain a muscular but thin physique. The average onset for bulimia used to be 17, but to see teenagers age 14 and 15 with bulimia is common these days, Dr. Scheel said.Other people believe the disorders have genetic Or chemical components, and many people with eating disorders respond well to anti-depressants, for example.A certain amount of education is necessary to help young people avoid becoming obsessed with their body image. "Teachers need to stay outside of talking about diets," Dr. Scheel said. "It’s like a parent, always talking about their next diet. You have to help a child understand that if you eat healthily and exercise, your body is going to take care of itself."And in relatively homogenous populations, like in some Westchester schools, competition runs high. "So the young people don’t really see how beautiful diversity is," she said, "and they tend to all be competing for kind of the same goals." From the fifth paragraph we may infer that Anorexia and Bulimia are()
- Text 3When I was a child in Sunday school, I would ask searching questions like "Angels can fly up in heaven, but how do clouds hold up pianos" and get the same puzzling response about how that was not important, what was important was that Jesus died for our sins and if we accepted him as our savior, when we died, we would go to heaven, where we’d get everything we wanted. Some children in my class wondered why anyone would hang on a cross with nails stuck through his hands to help anyone else; I wondered how Santa Claus knew what I wanted for Christmas, even though I never wrote him a letter. Maybe he had a tape recorder hidden in every chimney in the world.This literal-mindedness has stuck with me; one result of it is that I am unable to believe in God. Most of the other atheists I know seem to feel freed or proud of their unbelief, as if they’ve cleverly refused to be sold snake oil. My husband, who was reared in a devout Catholic family and served as an altar boy, is also firmly grounded on this earth. He doesn’t even have the desire to believe. So other than baptizing our son to reassure our families, we’ve skated over the issue of faith.Some people believe faith is a gift; for others, it’s a choice, a matter of spiritual discipline. I have a friend who was reared to believe, and he does. But his faith has wavered. He has struggled to hang onto it and to pass it along to his children. Another friend of mine never goes to church because she’s a single mother who doesn’t have the gas money. But she once told me about a day when she was washing oranges as the sun streamed onto them. As she peeled one, the smell rose to her face, and she felt she received the Holy Spirit. "He sank into my bones," she recounted. "I lifted my palms upward, feeling filled with love."Being no theologian, and not even a believer, I am not in a position to offer up theories, but mine is this: people who receive faith directly, as a spontaneous combustion of the soul, have fewer questions. They have been sparked with a faith that is more unshakable than that of those who have been taught. From the first paragraph of the passage we know that()
- It shames me to say it, butI told a lie when______at the meeting by my boss.
- With Airbus’s giant A380 airliner about to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger and you would be right. For a given design, it turns (1) , there comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate (2) lift to carry their own weight. (3) a new way of designing and making materials could (4) that problem. Two engineers (5) University College London have devised an innovative way to customise and control the (6) of a material throughout its three dimension al structure.In the (7) of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, (8) the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more (9) . It is like making bespoke materials, (10) you can customise the physical properties of every cubic millimetre of a structure.The new technique combines existing technologies in a(n) (11) way. It starts by using finite-element-analysis software, of the type commonly used by engineers, (12) a virtual prototype of the object. The software models the stresses and strains that the object will need to (13) throughout its structure. Using this information it is then (14) to calculate the precise forces acting on millions of smaller subsections of the structure. (15) of these subsections is (16) treated as a separate object with its own set of forces acting on it--and each subsection (17) for a different microstructure to absorb those local forces.Designing so many microstructures manually (18) be a huge task, so the researchers apply an optimisation program, called a genetic algorithm, (19) . This uses a process of randomisation and trial-and-error to search the vast number of possible microstructures to find the most (20) design for each subsection. 3()