听力原文:M: Hello, this is Rodney Childs from Denver Crips. Could I speak to Vanessa Small, please?<br>F: Speaking. Hello, Rodney, how are you?<br>M: Fine, thanks. Look, Rodney, Shall we get some detail about your company structure?<br>F: Sure.<br>M: Who is responsible for the finance in the company?<br>F: The Finance Director is Chris Grey. She's a very important woman. And her task is to make sure the money side of things is ok.<br>M: Is Research and Development a separate department?<br>F: Well, it's a separate department and it has a separate head.<br>M: Are there any other features worth mentioning?<br>F: There's the Planning Department ---- Herry Wallace is in charge of that. And the Purchasing Department ---- they put in the materials for production.<br>M: Yes, and what about the Board of Directors and the Chairman?<br>F: Yes, well, they're at the top, aren't they? Of course, I mean, a couple of the executives are directors themselves. The Managing Director, of course, that's Andrew Carter…<br>M: Thank you for your introduction. Nice talking to you.<br>F: My pleasure.<br>Look at the form. below.<br>You will hear a man calling from Denver Crips.<br>NAME OF THE CALLER: (1)______ Childs<br>(2)______ is responsible for the finance in the company, who is a very important woman.<br>Research and Development is a separate department with a separate (3)______<br>Herry Wallace is in charge of the Planning department. And in the Purchasing Department they<br>purchase (4)______ for production.
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