
We can know from the passage that in the 1980s, ______.

A. it was impossible to organize any demonstration of large scale at all
B. people at that time did not feel that they were a part of any big movement
C. all the people involved in the organizing work were volunteers
D. reports about demonstrations can only be read several days after


Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
The biggest demonstration in a generation is being assembled by mobilizing the power of the web, which allows anti-war groups to rally multitudes at the click of a mouse. Cornish speakers for peace can share ideas by e-mail with Rhodes Scholars Against the War while taking into account the sensitivities of the Young Muslim Sisters. Footsore ban-the-bomb veterans such as Tony Myers of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, busily preparing yesterday for the mass protest, can only marvel at the power of the net.
"It's made a massive difference," he said. "Back in the 1980s when we were trying to organize huge demos it was all about going to meetings and sending mail to regional people. I was a volunteer before the 1983 demonstration which attracted 400,000 marchers. The office was just awash with people printing things on old duplicators. People today feel more like they are part of a big movement. In the 1980s, we would read about demos all over the world a few days later in the newspapers. Now you know all the details in advance if you are on the e-mail list. The Stop the War Coalition needs only a handful of headquarters staff because the website is a virtual campaign group in itself, complete with briefings, news, addresses and artwork.
Children's superior mastery of the internet is reflected in the proliferation of youth groups opposing war. The Woodcraft Folk (a sort of pacifist version of the Scouts) announce that they will be bringing an orange parachute on the march. The Engels-Marx Communist Party (slogan "Resist and Revolt") is a group of pupils at a Leicester comprehensive school opposing the war. The entire country is covered from the Aberdeen Students Against War Society to Torbay Stop the War group.
Anti-war campaigners put leaflets, maps, posters and petitions on their websites for supporters to print, stick in their window or hand out at the march. Stop the War Coalition includes a direct- debit form. which supporters can download and send to their bank manager to make donations.
Message boards are filled with anti-war protesters arguing their case. The issue is being exploited by the British National Party, which has posted a self-serving press release proclaiming support for the march because of their concerns over "the power of the Israeli lobby". Anti-war individuals have been e-mailing friends with songs for the march, one to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It. The internet was created in the 1960s partly by the Advanced Research Project Agency of the US Department of Defense. It is widely said to have been created in order to send military messages after an atomic war.
The example in the first paragraph is used to show the demonstrators ______.

A. share the similar goals with one another
B. need to compromise with one another
C. can not really co-operate due to geographic isolations
D. get in touch with one other easily on internet

The example of an outbreak of Salmonella St. Paul is used to ______.

A. show how serious a public sanitary crisis can have
B. exemplify how the public investigations often shift their attentions
C. blame the slow pace of the investigation
D. highlight the urgency of a national tracking system

Why do companies adopt just-in-time inventory system?

A. They try to keep their inventory of spare parts as low as possible.
B. The can save lots of money.
C. It's a more efficient method of operating.
D. A,B and C.

Read the article below about inventory.
For questions 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
Inventory belongs to an important element of the cost of doing business in a large company. If a company is assembling cars, they must have a large number of parts in hand so that the assembly line does not stop because one part is missing. If cars are going down the assembly line and one person is supposed to fasten wheels on to the car, the whole line will stop if he runs out of fasteners. This means that several hundred men will be waiting while someone must find fasteners for the wheel. So there must be a sufficient number of parts of all sorts nearby in order to keep the car assembly line running smoothly.
A large supply of spare parts is very expensive, so a company will try to keep its inventory as low as it can without finding it necessary to stop production for lack of a part.
In a planned company, it was often difficult to secure spare parts and so many companies ordered many extra parts and kept large supplies of parts so that if a mistake was made in planning, they could continue to produce. This was known as just-in-case inventory.
As an economy moves from a planned economy to a market economy, the important thing for a business is to make money and not just produce. It's very expensive to keep large suppliers available just in case there is a delay in delivery. So increasingly, companies are moving to another system of inventory of spare parts as low as possible. This way they do not have to pay for parts used in production until just before they are paid for the finished product. This saves them much capital and is a much more efficient method of operating. The problem with this is that if a shipment is delayed or lost for some reason, the whole factory may have to stop because they don't have one little part. This is very expensive.
Most modern industries try to keep inventory as low as possible, but when they adopt just-in-time inventory control, they try to keep at least some extra in stock for emergencies.
In a planned economy it was often difficult to secure spare parts, ______.

A. so many companies manufacture them all by themselves
B. so many companies have to stop the production lines while waiting
C. so many companies place large orders for emergencies
D. so many companies feel quite headache about this problem
