在学前教育中,教师身教重于言教,一举一动、一言一行都成为幼儿的榜样。这说明( )
A. 劳动任务的全面性和细致性
B. 劳动对象的主动性和幼稚性
C. 劳动过程的创造性
D. 劳动手段的主体性
在现代社会中,作为教育者的幼儿教师角色不包括( )
A. 幼儿的观察者和研究者
B. 公共关系的协调者
C. 幼儿学习的引导者
D. 幼儿的榜样和示范者
Many important industrial compounds such as ethanol, acetic acid, organic acids, butanol and acetone were being produced by the end of 19th century by microbial fermentation procedures that were open to the environment.
A. 酒精
B. 醋酸
C. 丁醇
D. 丙酮
A new direction in biotechnology came in the 1940s with the introduction of complicated engineering techniques to the mass cultivation of micro-organisms to ensure that the particular biological process could proceed with the exclusion of contaminating micro-organisms.
A. 群体培养
B. 群体文化
C. 大量栽培
D. 群体教化
Thus by prior sterilization of the medium and the bioreactor and with engineering provision for the exclusion of incoming contaminants only the chosen biocatalyst was present in the reactor.
A. 污秽
B. 污染物
C. 杂质
D. 污垢