The author mentions Carmen Arace Middle School to show that______.
A. this school is run by a black and thus it has 90% black enrollment
B. it is worth the cost to provide the students laptops for their performance
C. Delores Bolton is a very capable school master
D. the school spent too much money on buying computers
A. 胰岛素绝对不足
B. 突然大量甲状腺素入血
C. 呼吸带烂苹果味
D. 甲状腺肿大震颤有杂音
E. 饥饿感,心慌手颤
A. 酒醉
B. 有机磷农药中毒
C. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
D. 脑动脉梗阻
E. 癔症
A. 低盐饮食,1~2g/d
B. 可以自由选择自己喜欢的零食
C. 高蛋白饮食
D. 水肿消退后可以进食普食
E. 限制糖的摄入
A. 口服环丙沙星3d
B. 口服复方磺胺甲基异噁唑7d
C. 根据细菌药物敏感试验选用有效抗生素治疗2周
D. 联合应用2种以上抗生素进行治疗
E. 应用中药治疗