
There wasn't much difference between Brazilian and American McDonald's. The restaurants looked alike. The menu was more or less the same. A white paper bag, with yellow lettering, exactly like the take-out bags used in American McDonald's, carded several messages about how Brazilians could bring McDonald's into their lives. However, it seemed McDonald's Brazilian ad campaign was missing some important points about how fast-food should be marketed in a culture that values large, leisurely lunches.
Brazilians prefer their main meal at midday, often eating at a leisurely pace with business associates. Many firms serve ample lunches to their employees. Other workers take advantages of a two-hour lunch break to go home to eat with the spouse and children. Nor did it make much sense to suggest that children should eat hamburgers for lunch, since most kids attend school for half-day sessions and have lunch at home. The homes of Brazilians who can afford McDonald's products have cooks and maids to do many of the things that fast-food restaurants do in the United States. The suggestion that McDonald's products be eaten "while watching your favorite television program" is culturally appropriate, because Brazilians watch TV a lot. However, Brazil's consuming classes can ask the cook to make a snack when feeling hungry. Indeed much televiewing occurs during the light dinner served when the husband gets home from the office.
Most appropriate to the Brazilian life style. was the suggestion to enjoy McDonald's "on the cook's day off". Throughout Brazil, Sunday is that day. The Sunday pattern for middle-class families is a trip to the beach, liters of beer, a full midday meal around 3 p.m., and a light evening snack. McDonald's has found its niche in the Sunday evening meal, when families flock to the fast food restaurant, and it is to this market that its advertising is now appropriately geared.
23.Which group of Brazilians are targeted by McDonald's in Brazil?
24.Which statement is true about the comparison between McDonald's in United States and Brazil?
25.Which of the following is NOT true about Brazilians?
26.According to the talk. what is McDonald's supposed to do next?

A. Children and teenagers.
B. City-dwellers of middle class.
C. Blue-collars in firms.
D. Brazil's consuming class.


听力原文:W: I'll be late. I'm due at work at 9:00 sharp.
M: Don't worry. You've got plenty of time. You still have five minutes.
Q: What time is it now?

A. 9:05.
B. 8:55.
C. 9:00.
D. 8:50.

The network layer provides services to the transport layer.It can be based on either (1).In both cases,its main job is (2) packets from the source to the destination.
In network layer,subnets can easily become congested,increasing the delay and (3).
for packets.Network designers attempt to avoid congestion by proper design.Techniques include (4) policy,caching,flowcontrol,and more.
The next step beyond just dealing with congestion is to actually try to achieve a promised quality of service.The methods that can be used for this include buffering at the client,traffic shaping,resource (5),and admission control.Approaches that have been designed for good quality of service include integrated services(including RSVP) ,differentiated services, and MPLS.

A. virtual circuits or datagrams
C. TCP or IP
D. IP or ARP

W: Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why it is listed together with the Nile River as one of the great natural wonders of the world. Here, want to see the pictures I took?
M: Oh, what a view! It's even bigger than I had imagined. I remember reading about the Grand Caoyon and I think it is said that it was formed suddenly when the earth's crust split open during an earthquake.
W: Well, not that quickly. Look, here is the picture 9f the Colorado River. See way down at the bottom of the canyon. That river and its tributaries have been weaving the canyon floor away for 10 million years.
M: Then the canyon is the result of swell erosion. I'll bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.
W: Not only the geologists, archaeologists have found the 5ones of extinct animals in caves in the canyon walls. In a cave one hundred and forty feet above the river, they found driftwood that dates back as far as 37 thousand years.
M: That means the river must have been a hundred and forty feet higher up when it carried the driftwood into the cave.
W: It's very possible, but, of course, who knows? The Grand Canyon is full of mystery. Wouldn't you like to go the Arizona someday?
M: You bet I would.
Where has the woman been?

A. To Colorado.
B. To Arizona.
C. To the Nile River.
D. To the Museum of Natural History.

A.Americanize the restaurants.B.Increase its advertising coverage to the rich.C.Focus

Americanize the restaurants.
B. Increase its advertising coverage to the rich.
C. Focus its niche market on Sunday evening meal.
D. Explore its potential market among teenagers.
