A. 现场查勘后先口头给出大概的评估价格以供参考,之后再按照约定补充正式的估价报告
B. 给予优惠
C. 该公司与朱某所在估价公司签订委托合同后,经估价公司指派,由自己亲自估价
D. 不能给以任何承诺
A. 相应企业生产的一些行业知识
B. 进年来厂房创造的价值
C. 同地理位置的房地产成交情况
D. 同地理位置的房地产估价情况
It can be inferred that the term "public duty" denotes
A. the necessity to apprehend offenders.
B. the responsibility to punish offenders.
C. an obligation to prevent harm to another.
D. the assignment of punishment for harmful action.
The writer suggests that the way of finding new truths about economic behavior
A. should better be conducted systematically.
B. has nothing to do with the way of finding new principles.
C. should be opposite to the way of finding economic principles.
D. is similar to the way of finding new principles in that both are conducted casually.