
The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it. (2.0)

A. 书房的窗户有三扇,每扇嵌的都是老式的小块玻璃,每块玻璃上都有裂痕。
B. 书房有三个窗户,每个窗户上都嵌着带有裂痕的老式的小块玻璃。



A. We were just approaching S-Gate when we knocked into someone who slowly toppled over.
B. We were just approaching S-Gate when someone crossing the road was entangled in our rickshaw and fell slowly.


A. 汉语,名词
B. 英语, 副词
C. 英语,代词
D. 汉语,代词


A. In China’s more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of forced marriages.
B. In China’s more remote and backward rural areas, corrupt practices exist in the form of arranged or bought and sold marriages.

汉语有很多四字成语,译成英语时, 译文______。(2.0)

A. 一定要保持原文的形象
B. 一定要脱离原文的形象
C. 一定要符合原文的意思
D. 一定要在英语中找到对应的成语
