
Directions : Gap fillingextraordinary;obscure; decay ;candidates; underwent;sake ; altered ; abuses; budget ; accelerated1. He _______a lot of hardships in his childhood.2. I used to________ the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so.3. We can't risk big things for the _______ of small ones.4. Sugar can _______ the tooth.5. The joke did not ________the underlying seriousness of his point.6. He has already lived an ________ life.7. When I returned to my hometown ten years later, little had ________in the city.8. The tall boy is one of the ________ in this election.9. That truck suddenly __________to keep up with my car.10.More and more families begin to worry about the new educational _________.



A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错

美国管理学家( )从能力特征、个性特征、激励特征三个维度提出了13种领导特质,并区分出不同的重要程度。

A. 埃德温 ·吉赛利
B. 拉尔夫
C. 斯托格迪尔
D. 卡纳果

魅力型领导理论是主张领导者利用其自身的魅力鼓励追随者并作出重大组织变革的一种领导理论。加拿大的( )与卡纳果对魅力型领导者进行了系统的研究,概括出了魅力型领导者区别于无魅力领导者的特征。

A. 卡格
B. 康格
C. 里格
D. 莫格
