随着全面两孩政策的实施,全国多地迎来了二孩生育小高峰。记者在湖南、安徽等地调研发现,有些高龄产妇宁愿冒风险也要“拼二孩”,还有些育龄妇女由于经济成本高、职场压力大、缺乏家庭支持等原因,不敢生、不愿生。专家指出,______,为符合条件的妇女提供社会、家庭及各方面的支持。 填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是:
A. 二孩政策给我国带来了又一轮的人口红利
B. 一些育龄产妇不愿意生二孩
C. 很多高龄产妇宁愿冒险也要二孩
D. 全面落实二孩政策需要完善很多相关配套措施
A. 燃料
B. 人工
C. 原料
D. 全部
"The lady lived across the valley there beyond that hill. I was a young man then, for it was many years ago. I used to ride over to see her; it was a long way, but I rode fast, for young men, as no doubt the Signora knows, are impatient. But the lady was not kind, she would keep me waiting, oh, for hours; and one day when I had waited very long I grew very angry, and as I walked up and down in the garden where she had told me she would see me, I broke one of her roses, broke a branch from it ; and when I saw what I had done, I hid it inside my coat so ; and when I came home I planted it, and the Signora sees how it has grown. If the Signora admires it, I must give her a cutting to plant also in her garden; I am told the English have beautiful gardens that are green, and not burnt with the sun like ours."