Joe is a computer service technician. People in his neighborhood usually depend on his suggestions for purchasing any computer accessory or hardware, as they believe that he has access to far more information on computer technology than the average consumer. The neighbors are also aware that Joe has the required knowledge and background for understanding the technical properties of the products. Within this context, Joe can be called a(n) ________.
A. transactional leader
B. opinion leader
C. role model
D. gate-keeper
E. international marketer
购入的材料,当其验收入库以后,其实际发生的成本在( )账户核算。
A. 在途物资
B. 原材料
C. 库存商品
D. 产成品
A(n) ________ group is one whose values or behavior an individual rejects.
A. aspirational
B. dissociative
C. membership
D. primary
E. procreational
偿还应付账款10000元,其中以现金偿还200元,以银行存款偿还9800元。其分录为( )。
A. 借:应付账款9800贷:银行存款9800
B. 借:应付账款200贷:库存现金200
C. 借:银行存款9800库存现金200贷:应付账款10000
D. 借:应付账款10000贷:银行存款9800库存现金200
The family in a buyer's life consisting of parents and siblings is the ________.
A. family of procreation
B. family of influence
C. family of efficiency
D. family of orientation
E. purchasing family