A(n) ________ group is one whose values or behavior an individual rejects.
A. aspirational
B. dissociative
C. membership
D. primary
E. procreational
偿还应付账款10000元,其中以现金偿还200元,以银行存款偿还9800元。其分录为( )。
A. 借:应付账款9800贷:银行存款9800
B. 借:应付账款200贷:库存现金200
C. 借:银行存款9800库存现金200贷:应付账款10000
D. 借:应付账款10000贷:银行存款9800库存现金200
The family in a buyer's life consisting of parents and siblings is the ________.
A. family of procreation
B. family of influence
C. family of efficiency
D. family of orientation
E. purchasing family
购入一批材料,买价50000元,另支付运杂费800元,材料已验收入库,款项尚未支付。不考虑其他因素。正确的会计分录是( )。
A. 借:在途物资50000贷:应付账款50000
B. 借:在途物资50800贷:应付账款50800
C. 借:原材料50000贷:应付账款50000
D. 借:原材料50800贷:应付账款50800
Marriage, childbirth, and divorce constitute the ________ that shape the consumption pattern of individuals.
A. psychological life cycle
B. product life cycle
C. social status
D. post-puberty cycles
E. critical life events