Marriage, childbirth, and divorce constitute the ________ that shape the consumption pattern of individuals.
A. psychological life cycle
B. product life cycle
C. social status
D. post-puberty cycles
E. critical life events
购买材料一批,开出商业汇票一张,材料已验收入库,该项经济业务涉及的账户有( )。
A. 应付票据
B. 原材料
C. 应交税费—应交增值税(进项税额)
D. 应付账款
Consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality consistent with how they see themselves, also known as the ________ self-concept.
A. actual
B. ideal
C. others'
D. prohibitive
E. suggestive
Consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality consistent with how they think others view them, also known as the ________ self-concept.
A. actual
B. others'
C. ideal
D. dual
E. perceptual
购进材料时,如果借记“在途物资”账户,可能贷记“( )”账户。
A. 银行存款
B. 预付账款
C. 预收账款
D. 应付账款