
Which of the following marketing communications tools is most effective at the later stages of the buying process?

A. personal selling
B. public relations
C. advertising
D. sales promotions
E. direct marketing


Which of the following marketing communications tools is most effective at influencing customers at the conviction stage of buyer readiness?

A. advertising
B. publicity
C. sales promotion
D. personal selling
E. events and experiences

Which element of the marketing communications mix allows for amplified expressiveness?

A. sales promotion
B. public relations
C. advertising
D. direct and interactive marketing
E. personal selling

Advertising and publicity tools play the most important roles in influencing buying decisions at the ________ stage of buyer readiness.

A. comprehension
B. conviction
C. ordering
D. reordering
E. awareness-building

Which of the following marketing communications tools has the highest cost-effectiveness in the introduction stage of the product life cycle?

A. personal selling
B. sales promotion
C. interactive marketing
D. direct marketing
E. events and experiences
