


The reason why the analytical and explanatory value of the term globalization was largely

Effective adaptation draws upon a number of cognitive processes, such as perception, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. The main trend in defining intelligence, then, is that it is not itself a cognitive or mental process, but rather a selective combination of these processes purposively directed toward effective adaptation to the environment. For examples, the physician noted above learning about a new disease adapts by perceiving material on the disease in medical literature, learning what the material contains, remembering crucial aspects of it that are needed to treat the patient, and then reasoning to solve the problem of how to apply the information to the needs of the patient. Intelligence, in sum, has come to be regarded as not a single ability, but an effective drawing together of many abilities. This has not always been obvious to investigators of the subject, however, and, indeed, much of the history of the field revolves around arguments, regarding the nature and abilities that constitute intelligence.
What does the passage mainly discuss?

What processes does cognition consist of?

第一节 词语配伍
[A] elephant
[B] monkey
[C] dog
[D] tiger
[E] cat
[F] horse
[G] rabbit
We think it the king of the forest.
