

A. 询问病史
B. 填写各种护理记录单
C. 介绍有关规章制度
D. 与营养室联系膳食
E. 立即通知医生,积极配合抢救



A. 病情危重,需随时进行抢救的病人
B. 重症病人,大手术后绝对卧床休息的病人
C. 年老或婴幼儿病人
D. 生活部分自理的病人
E. 生活部分自理,病情随时可能变化的病人

Which of the following is a risk that firms must consider prior to expanding abroad?

A. The domestic consumers may prefer low-priced products.
B. The market in the foreign country may be too similar to the domestic market.
Consumers in the foreign country may be very particular about quality.
D. Management may not understand the foreign country's business culture.

Which of the following is the main advantage of a functional marketing organization?

A. easy coordination
B. administrative simplicity
C. lower staff requirements
D. reduced competition between functional groups

Companies enter the international market only when their domestic markets are saturated.

A. 对
B. 错
