
Species interdependence in nature confers many benefits on the species involved, but it can also become a point of weakness when one species involved in the relationship is affected by a catastrophe. Thus, flowering plant species dependent on insect pollination, as opposed to self- pollination or wind pollination, could be endangered when the population of insect-pollinators is depleted by the use of pesticides.
In the forests of New Brunswick, for example, various pesticides have been sprayed in the past 25 years in efforts to control the spruce budworm, an economically significant pest. Scientists have now investigated the effects of the spraying of Matacil, one of the anti-budworm agents that is least toxic to insect-pollinators. They studied Matacil's effects on insect mortality in a wide variety of wild insect species and on plant fecundity, expressed as the percentage of the total flowers on an individual plant that actually developed fruit and bore seeds. They found that the most pronounced mortality after the spraying of Matacil occurred among the smaller bees and one family of flies, insects that were all important pollinators of numerous species of plants growing beneath the tree canopy of forests. The fecundity of plants in one common indigenous species, the red-osier dogwood, was significantly reduced in the sprayed areas as compared to that of plants in control plots where Matacil was not sprayed. This species is highly dependent on the insect-pollinators most vulnerable to Matacil. The creeping dogwood, a species similar to the red-osier dogwood, but which is pollinated by large bees, such as bumblebees, showed no significant decline in fecundity. Since large bees are not affected by the spraying of Matacil, these results add weight to the argument that spraying where the pollinators are sensitive to the pesticide used decreases plant fecundity.
The question of whether the decrease in plant fecundity caused by the spraying of pesticides actually causes a decline in the overall population of flowering plant species still remains unanswered. Plant species dependent solely on seeds for survival or dispersal are obviously more vulnerable to any decrease in plant fecundity that occurs, whatever its cause. If, on the other hand, vegetative growth and dispersal (by means of shoots or runners) are available as alternative reproductive strategies for a species, then decreases in plant fecundity may be of little consequence. The fecundity effects described here are likely to have the most profound impact on plant species with all four of the following characteristics, a short life span, a narrow geographic range, an incapacity for vegetative propagation, and a dependence on a small number of insect- pollinator species. Perhaps we should give special attention to the conservation of such plant species since they lack key factors in their defenses against the environmental disruption caused by pesticide use.
Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage? ______

A. Species interdependence is a point of weakness for some plants, but is generally beneficial to insects involved in pollination.
B. Efforts to control the spruce budworm have had deleterious effects on the red-osier dogwood.
C. The use of pesticides may be endangering certain plant species dependent on insects for pollination.
D. The spraying of pesticides can reduce the fecundity of a plant species, but probably does not affect its overall population stability.


Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author? ______

A. Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment.
B. A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness as an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view.
C. New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering.
D. Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure.

听力原文:Why didn't Joe consult with his advisor before starting the dress code campaign in the company? Now he is facing being fired.

A. I wondered if Joe has finished his research.
B. I'm interested in his advisor's projections.
C. I think Joe should have talked to his advisor.
D. I'm curious to know why Joe hasn't been consulted.

Which of the following is NOT true about Resveratrol? ______

A. Resveratrol is a healthy substance found in the skin of red grapes.
B. Resveratrol is higher in concentration in white wine than red wine.
C. Grape pulp extract (white wine) was equally effective in protecting rats from a heart attack as grape skin extract (red wine).
D. Most of the antioxidant benefits of wine come from the grape itself, not the fact that it's fermented.

A.An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less natural.B.An adult's response t

An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less natural.
B. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be more active.
C. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be more restrained.
D. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less indifferent.
