仁达公司2007年1月1日按每份面值1000元发行了300万份可转换债券,取得总收入 300000万元,支付发行费用5万元。该债券期限为3年,票面年利率为6%,利息于次年1月10日支付;每100份债券均可在债券发行1年后转换为80股该公司普通股,每股面值1元。公司发行该债券时,二级市场上与之类似但没有转股权的债券的市场利率为9%。假定不考虑其他相关因素。2008年4月1日某债券持有者将面值为150000万元可转换公司债券申请转换为普通股,并于当日办妥相关手续。假定未支付的应计利息不再支付。剩余债券没有转换为普通股。其中,(P/F,9%,3)=0.77218,(P/A,9%,3)=2.53130。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他情况,回答下列5至7题。 下列关于转股时的会计处理,正确的有( )。
A. 股本的入账价值是120万元
B. 应转销的资本公积是11391.11万元
C. 资本公积——股本溢价的入账价值是156548.89万元
D. 转出应付债券的账面价值是134161.93万元
E. 转出应付债券的账面价值是145277.78万元
Pisa is an Italian city known for its Leaning Tower.The Tower, interestingly enough, started leaning in the middle of its construction — when its first three stories were completed. Bonnano Pisano, the engineer in charge, tried to correct the lean by making the new stories slightly taller on the short side, only to find that the added marble caused the Tower to sink still further. Work was suspended several times as engineers sought fresh solutions, until the Tower was finished in the 14th century, still leaning. The construction, begun in 1174, nearly took 200 years.In modern times the structure has been several times strengthened by cement, but to this day it is still in danger of collapse. Various schemes have been under consideration for saving, it. To rebuild an upright tower would be easy enough for modern engineering, but it would not be the same edifice as people love and remember it. The Leaning Tower must be left leaning, saved, not reconstructed. There is nothing really wrong with a leaning tower — after all, Galileo climbed to the top and did his experiment by throwing down weights. In the meantime, the Tower has been closed to the public since 1990. What is NOT true about the Leaning Tower()
A. It makes its city Pisa well-known.
B. Its construction took nearly 200 years.
C. Many measures have been taken to correct the lean.
D. If you go to Pisa now, you can go and visit the Leaning Tower.