When a company goes out of business, the claims of long-term creditors are normally paid before those of the owners.
When a business records its sales on an accrual basis, the company records revenue only when money from the sale is actually received.
A. 对
B. 错
A balance sheet summarizes a company's financial position during a specific period of time.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 炎性红润期
B. 炎性浸润期
C. 淤血红润期
D. 淤血浸润期
E. 溃疡期
A. 经常给患者更换体位,至少2小时翻身一次
B. 加强营养,增强抵抗力
C. 保持皮肤清洁干燥,避免潮湿等刺激
D. 为患者身体空隙处垫软垫
E. 定期用50%乙醇按摩骶尾部