

A. Theforebraincontainsthecerebralcortex&surroundsthebrainstem&midbrain.Inhumans,itishighlydeveloped&hasaverycomplicatedstructure.
B. Thecerebralcortexhastwocerebralhemispheres&afolded,wrinkledsurface.Eachgrooveisknownasasulcuswhileeachbumpisknownasagyrus.Thetoplayerofthecortexisabouttwomillimetersthick&hasatotalsurfaceareaofabout1.5m^2.
C. Thecerebrumisdividedintotwohemispheres,arighthemisphere,&alefthemisphere.Thetwohemispheresworkincoordination,althoughonesideisdominant.e.g.,righthandedpeoplehaveadominantleftcerebralhemisphere.Thebrain'srighthemispherecontrolsmovementsonthebody'sleftside,whilethelefthemispherecontrolsmovementsonthebody'srightside.
D. Eachofthecerebralcortexismadeupof4interconnectedlobeswhichincludethefrontallobe,parietallobe,occipitallobe,&temporallobethathavebeenassociatedwithdifferentfunctionsrangingfromreasoningtoauditoryperception.


The death of the brain stem is largely equal to brain death. Why do we say the brain stem is vital to our life?

A. The brain stem, through its gray matter, provides many of the basic survival & reflex functions for the body; and through its white matter, the brain stem forms the connections between the brain & the body.
B. Ten of the brain's twelve cranial nerves also originate in the brain stem, providing vital connections between the brain & the sensory organs, heart, & digestive organs.
C. The reticular formation, which extends throughout the brain stem, performs several important functions, including the stimulation of the cerebral cortex & the production of muscle tone.
D. Stimulation of the cerebral cortex by the reticular formation produces the effect of being awake & conscious, while the inactivation of the reticular formation leads to sleep.

Which of the following statements about the structure and function of the medulla of the brain stem are correct?

A. The medulla contains all of the neurons that connect the brain to the spinal cord, & it is at the level of the medulla that about 90% of these neurons switch from the left side of the body to the right & vice versa.
B. The neurons passing through the medulla also form many relays, where one neuron passes its signal on to another neuron that continues onward to the brain or body.
C. Nuclei of gray matter in the medulla include the cardiovascular center, which controls the heart rate & blood pressure, & the medullary rhythmicity area, which controls the breathing rate.
D. Many vital survival reflexes are integrated in the medulla, including those for swallowing, vomiting, & coughing.

Which of the following statements about the pons of the brain stem are correct?

A. Like the medulla, the pons plays a vital role in communication as it contains all of the neurons that connect the higher regions of the brain to the medulla & spinal cord.
B. The pons also acts as a bridge which connect the left & right hemispheres of the cerebellum to one another.
C. The pons acts as a bridgeconnecting the cerebellum to the other regions of the brain.
D. Several nuclei in the pons work with the medullary rhythmicity center to control breathing, while other nuclei form the roots of several cranial nerves.

The structure and function of the midbrain in the brain stem are:

A. The midbrain plays important roles in communication & in the control of the motor system, vision & hearing, & the reflexes related to visual & auditory stimuli.
B. Like the pons & medulla, all of the neurons descending to the lower brain stem, cerebellum & spinal cord & ascending to the diencephalon & cerebrum pass through the midbrain.
C. Most of these nerve fibers pass through a pair of rounded anterior structures known as the cerebral peduncles.
D. Posterior to the cerebral peduncles are nuclei, including the red nuclei & substantia nigra, which control muscle movements in the body.
