
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) How to develop STEM-based education.B)Why humanities are needed for technology.C) The role that technology is playing in societies.D) The relationship between sciences and humanities.17. A) Modern technologies are incredibly intuitive.B) Real-world experience is more important than skills.C) Humanities can solve all the problems from sciences.D) Companies have to recruit employees from all disciplines.18. A) The customer needed his own judgment.B) The customer should consider the historical context.C) The customer focused his attention on the wrong thing.D) The customer tried to communicate with the business.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22. A)Plastic can help reduce food waste.B) Plastic can be poisonous for packaging food.C) Plastic does not actually keep food fresh longer.D) Plastic is actually unable to keep food warm longer.23. A)A bottle food section.B)A kind of bottled food.C) An area where shoppers open packages.D) An area where you can eat unpackaged food.24. A) The food waste was over 30 million tons.B) The first zero waste shop was set up.C) The plastic package became a trend for shopping.D) The public initiated the campaigns against plastic.25. A) They agree that the report speaks the truth.B) They welcome the report and its findings.C) They strongly object to the report.D) They believe it is lack of detailed information.


提出目标管理的学者是( )?

A. 泰勒
B. 法约尔
C. 韦伯
D. 彼得.德鲁克

制定目标常用的管理工具( )?

B. 5W2H

目标管理的内涵强调( )

A. 必须建立企业的目标体系
B. 目标建立的过程,是一个自上而下的过程
C. 目标实现的过程,是一个自下而上的过程
D. 要通过对目标完成情况的检查和奖惩,来确保目标的实现
E. 管理者的严格监督和控制


A. 目标自上而下指派,事实上对员工而言,目标的价值在于它能帮助员工理解一项工作的意义和价值。目标要能发挥这种灯塔作用,需要下属参与目标的制定过程。如果下属只是被动接受上级分配的目标,下属会丧失参与感。认为自己只是完成上级目标的一个工具,只是一颗棋子,被随意支配,从而缺乏主人翁意识。
B. 管理者在目标实施过程的辅导等同于进度监控,在目标实施和目标辅导环节,主管和下属理应有更多的互动。主管为下属提供辅导和资源支持,帮助下属更好达成目标提高绩效。但越来越多的企业,由于对效率的过分追逐,导致把整个绩效辅导环节变成了单向的进度监控和跟踪。主管只知道盯着进度条,如果发现某某下属的工作滞后,就会去警告该下属,要求其通过加班加点的方式去赶上进度,下属为此承受着巨大的工作压力。
C. 信息时代的大多数企业,都实施了强制绩效比例规则,强制绩效比例规则将一个团队内部员工的表现分为若干档次,每一档次设定一定的比例分布要求,并进行末位淘汰.
D. 采用相对考评原则,该原则指的是,员工的绩效是人和人比出来的。绩效结果好,一切都好;绩效结果不好,则在企业内部一无是处。这种强绩效应用,严重桎梏了员工的思维空间。
