Exercise One: Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary.1. Learn to listen to criticism but don't get __________ by it.2. Students who think they have paid and can pass exams by right have come to college with a(n) __________ belief. They must earn grades.3. Making mistakes is __________ as one grows up. What is important is to learn from them.4. Remember what our professor said. If you fail to complete your __________ on time, you may lose points for your final grade.5.What;s done is done. Believe me! You'll feel less pain in life if you learn to__________.6.In the U.S., two-thirds of students pay for college through __________ and will have to pay them back with interest after graduation.7.Wherever you go in China, it is a common sight that people____________ whether it is a restaurant, a bank, a hospital or a subway station.8.I'm really feeling __________. I wish I had never said such stupid things in the presence of my friend.9.If students are not satisfied with their grades, should the college allow them to__________ grades with their professors?10.The Minister of Education is visiting our campus, __________ by our university president.11.Our professor meets his advanced students once a week to hold a(n) __________ on adult development. He always invites us to attend it too.12.No matter how big the campus is, I'm sure I can__________ around in a few days.13.Several students have reported the loss of valuables in their dorms. Police are now investigating these serious __________.14. __________ my past language learning experiences, I've come to realize that practice makes perfect.15.Our university enrolls more students than our city's other two colleges__________.
Exercise Two: Replace the underlined part in each of the following sentences with a phrase from the box below. Write your answer in the brackets. Change the form where necessary.1. I'll never go to the little restaurant again! Their food make me sick. ()2. Setting goals can help to strengthen your motivation and gain control of your life. ()3. I wasn't really interested in math, but I managed to do it somehow. ()4. Just stay where you are, and I'm going to call an ambulance. ()5. I threw a birthday party last Friday night, and Steve, as usual, had his girlfriend with him. ()
A. 组织类型。常见的组织类型有五种:营利性组织、非营利组织、政府组织、事业单位、各类协会。
B. 组织实力与经营战略。包括组织所处行业、发展战略、战略措施、竞争实力、发展态势等。
C. 组织特点和人力评估。包括组织规模、组织文化、组织气氛、组织阶层、组织结构、组织人力资源需求状况、人力资源规划、员工升迁政策、员工流动政策、员工培训政策等。
D. 组织领导人分析。包括领导人的管理理念和个人能力,是否真正考虑员工个人职业发展等。
E. 人力资源管理制度与工作/岗位分析。包括人事管理方案、薪资报酬、福利措施、员工关系、发展政策和工作/岗位的基本能力要求、工作绩效评估标准等信息。