The woman behind the counter clearly felt, as I did, embarrassed for this young man, who was accompanied by his no doubt well-intentioned, but misguided, father. (para 5)
A. Just like I did,the woman behind the counter clearly felt embarrassed for this young man, who was accompanied by his no doubt well-intentioned, but misguided, father.
B. I saw that the woman behind the counter did feel embarrassed for this young man, who was accompanied by his no doubt well-intentioned, but misguided, father.
The incident I saw in the registrar’s office was not an unusual sight. (para 15)
A. The incident I saw in the registrar’s office was really an unusual sight.
B. The incident I saw in the registrar’s office was a common sight.
I would argue that my success is a result of being allowed the freedom to make mistakes and find my own way.(para 18)
A. I would argue that the reason why I could achieve success is that my parents allowed me to make mistakes and find my own way.
B. I think that my success is a result of my parents being allowed the freedom to make mistakes and find my own way.
现要用板式换热器进行牛奶杀菌操作,板式换热器共分四段,预热、冰水段、杀菌段、冷水冷却段、冰水冷却段。现杀菌段、冷水冷却段、冰水冷却段组合形式已定,预热段尚未确定。冷奶的预热是利用杀菌后的热奶作为杀菌介质。已知:生产能力G=10000kg/h,冷牛奶的初温t1=10℃,预热终温t2=60℃,杀菌温度t3=72℃,牛奶比热为C=3.948,牛奶比重=1000kg/m3,流体在流道间的流速u=0.25m/s,逆流流动预热段传热系数K=1315 kcal/m2.h.℃。1)杀菌后牛奶冷却温度t42)传热量计算Q3)换热面积F,板数Z4)预热段所需的流道数a5)程数n