
The correct standard to discriminate operant conditioning from classical conditioning is ( ).

A. if the conditioning response is reinforced directly;
B. if the new S-R connection has formed;
C. if the reinforcement emerges before the new response or not;
D. if response is voluntary or not;


Skinner believed that education was behavior shaping and ( ) was the key in it.

A. trial and error
B. insight
C. reinforcement
D. imitation

The schedules of reinforcement includes( ).

A. fixed interval reinforcement schedule (FI)
B. fixed ratio reinforcement schedule (FR)
C. variable interval reinforcement schedule (VI)
D. variable ratio reinforcement schedule (VR)
E. continuous reinforcement.

( ) of the following states belong to operant conditioning principles.

A. any response that is followed by a reinforcing stimulus tends to repeated.
B. This process is sometimes called contingent reinforcement(结果强化), because getting the reinforcer is contingent (dependent) on the organism’s emitting a certain response.
C. a reinforcing stimulus is anything that increases the probability of a response’s recurring.
D. whether something is reinforcing can only be ascertained by its effect on behavior.
E. operant conditioning is also called instrumental conditioning.

The basic idea of Waston is learning is actually a collection of conditioned reflexes. That means ( ).

A. Psychology, as a science, should study the observable explicit behavior.
B. the rules gained from classical conditioning experiments can be applied to explain not only animals’ behaviors but human’s.
C. the basic element of all of human’s behaviors is response, and all behaviors are combination of responses.
D. Once the relationship between stimulus and individual is grasped, we can control the stimulus to trigger a wanted response or extinct an unwanted one.
E. Cognitive structure is the reference frame for reasoning.
