
Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.他们住在多布斯费里镇,与相邻的斯卡斯代尔镇布局凌乱的大型宅邸相比,这是一个相对多样化的社区,这里的居民思想开放、心胸宽广,并引以为豪。

A. Compared to neighboring Scarsdale, with its rambling mansions, Dobbs Ferry is a relatively different community, which pride themselves on the open-mindedness of its population.
B. Compared with neighboring Scarsdale, with its rambling mansions, Dobbs Ferry is a relatively different community, which prides itself on the open-mindedness of its population.
Compared to neighboring Scarsdale, with its rambling mansions, Dobbs Ferry is a relatively diverse community, which pride itself in the open-mindedness of its population.
D. Compared with neighboring Scarsdale, with its rambling mansions, Dobbs Ferry is a relatively different community, which pride themselves in the open-mindedness of its population.


Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.这个地方在马克·扎克伯格离开家的十年间几乎没发生什么变化。马克先上了寄宿学校,后来去了哈佛大学。在那里,他创建了那个改变世界的网络公司,很快就把整个扎克伯格家族变成了深不可测的巨富。

A. The place has changed little in the decades since Mark Zuckerberg left home, first for boarding school and then for Harvard, where he founded the world-altering web company that will soon make the entire Zuckerberg family inexplicably rich.
B. The place has changed a little in the decade since Mark Zuckerberg left home, first for boarding school and then for Stanford, where he founded the world-altering web company that will soon make the entire Zuckerberg family unfathomably rich.
C. The place has changed little in the decade since Mark Zuckerberg left home, first for boarding school and then for Harvard, where he founded the world-altering web company that will soon make the entire Zuckerberg family inexplicably rich.
D. The place has changed few in the decades since Mark Zuckerberg left home, first for boarding school and then for Harvard, where he founded the world-altering web company that will soon make the entire Zuckerberg family unfathomably rich.

Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.他就像一位典型的八零后孩子的父亲,带你参观他舒适又普通的家。

A. He's like your standard-issue eighties dad, giving a tour of his comfortablely ordinary home.
B. He's like your normal eighties dad, giving a tour of his comfortingly ordinary home.
C. He's like your standard-issue dad at eighties, giving a tour of his comfortablely ordinary home.
D. He's like your normal dads whose children were born in 80s, giving a tour of his comfortingly ordinary home.

Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.在很多方面,艾德·扎克伯格的经历就是一个关于父梦子承的故事,他对机器的酷爱暂缓后经改道又传承下去。

A. In many ways, the story of Ed Zuckerberg is a story of a passion delaying - redirecting and passing on.
B. In many ways, the story of Ed Zuckerberg is a story of a passion deferring - rechanneling and passing on.
C. In many ways, the story of Ed Zuckerberg is a story of a passion delayed- redirected and passed on.
D. In many ways, the story of Ed Zuckerberg is a story of a passion about numbers referred - rechanneled and passed on.

Please choose the best English to match with the Chinese statements.“作为在纽约市长大的犹太人,”艾德告诉我,“如果你还算聪明,你的父母会希望让你成为医生或牙医。我实际上擅长数学。但当时实在没有多少计算机编程的工作。

A. "Growing up Jewish in New York City," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you are smart enough, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a guy excellent in math. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
B. "Growing up Jewish in New York City," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you had half a brain, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a numbers guy. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
C. "Growing up Jewish in New York," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you are smart enough, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a guy excellent in math. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
D. "Growing up Jewish in New York," Zuchergerg tells me, "if you had half a brain, your parents wanted you to be a doctor or a dentist. I was actually a numbers guy. But back then, there really weren't a lot of jobs in computer programming".
