Why do settlers wreck the forest around their homes?
A. They are deserted by the INCRA to live on their own.
B. They cannot acquire enough guidance from the government.
C. The farming methods they are familiar with are backward.
D. The soils in the rainforests are too barren to produce crops.
The rail operators disagree with the current re-nationalization for the reason that______.
A. the passengers and taxpayers have benefited from the franchising system
B. the Labour itself introduced the franchising system with legal contracts
C. the running expenses are hard to cover with the current re-nationalization
D. there is more to do to improve enforced re-nationalization with less cost
A. manipulated
B. incited
C. coached
D. persuaded
According to the author, forest loss in Brazil______.
A. is caused by resettling smallholder farmers according to official data
B. has been reduced by two-thirds annually in the past decade
C. is partly contributed by big landowners running farms and ranches
D. is mainly caused by landowners rather than poor farmers
In the second and third experiments, how do male participants deal with the $ 10,000 bonus?
A. They keep the same share of money for themselves ignoring the gender of the supervisors.
B. They keep more money for themselves when the female supervisors are proactive and direct.
C. They keep more money for themselves when the female supervisors are power-seeking.
D. They divide the money equally with their team members, female and male supervisors.