A. 一般取左下腹部脐与左髂前上棘连线的中外1/3交点处,此处不易损伤腹壁动脉
B. 取脐与耻骨联合连线中点上方1.0cm、偏左或偏右1.5cm处,此处无重要器官且易愈合
C. 少量腹水患者取侧卧位,取脐水平线与腋前线或腋中线交点,常用于诊断性穿刺
D. 包裹性积液不需要在B超指导下定位穿刺
E. 腹壁手术瘢痕周围2cm内不宜穿刺
A. 妊娠中后期
B. 肝硬化腹水
C. 肝性脑病先兆
D. 电解质严重紊乱
E. 巨大卵巢囊肿
The following complications of abdominocentesis, which one is not correct
A. hepatic
B. bleeding
C. pleural reaction
D. infection
E. electrolyte disorder
There is a patient who has liver cirrhosis needs to release ascites, the amount for the first time should not exceed
A. 1000ml
B. 2000ml
C. 3000ml
D. 4000ml
E. 5000ml