
Which of the following statements about neuroscience & free will are correct?

A. Neuroethics encompasses the ethical issues raised by neuroscience as it affects our understanding of the world & of ourselves in the world. e.g., if everything we do is physically caused by our brains, which are in turn a product of our genes & our life experiences, how can we be held responsible for our actions?
B. A crime in the US requires a "guilty act" & a "guilty mind". As neuropsychiatric evaluations have become more commonly used in the criminal justice system & neuroimaging technologies have given us a more direct way of viewing brain injuries, scholars have cautioned that this could lead to the inability to hold anyone criminally responsible for their actions. In this way, neuroimaging evidence could suggest that there is no free will & each action a person makes is simply the product of past actions & biological impulses that are out of our control.
C. The question of whether & how personal autonomy is compatible with neuroethics & the responsibility of neuroscientists to society & the state is a central one for neuroethics.
D. In late 2013 U.President Barack Obama made recommendations to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues as part of his $100 million Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative.


Which of the following statements about the functions of human somatic nervous system are correct?

A. The somatic nervous system carries motor & sensory signals to & from the CNThis system is made up of nerves that connect to the skin, sensory organs, & all skeletal muscles.
B. The system is responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle movements as well as for processing sensory information that arrives via external stimuli including hearing, touch, & sight. The somatic system is responsible for transmitting sensory information as well as for voluntary movement.
C. In addition to controlling voluntary muscles movements, the somatic nervous system is also associated with involuntary movements known as reflex arcs. During a reflex arc, muscles move involuntarily without input from the brain.
D. This system contains two major types of neurons: sensory and motor neurons.

Whichofthefollowingstatementsaboutthefunctionsofhuman autonomic nervoussystemarecorrect?

A. The autonomic nervous system is a part of PNS, responsible for regulating involuntary body functions, such as blood flow, heartbeat, digestion, & breathing.
B. In other words, it is the autonomic system that controls aspects of the body that are usually not under voluntary control.
C. This system is further divided into two branches: the sympathetic nervous system & the parasympathetic nervous system.
D. The system works with conscious effort.

Which of the following statements about human brain are correct?

A. The human brain is comprised of a number of different regions. Each of these regions are vitally important with highly specialized functions. The brain is roughly divided into three parts which include the following: forebrain, midbrain, & brain stem or hind brain.
B. The central part of the brain includes the brain stem & the midbrain. The function of the midbrain has been largely preserved during evolution.
C. The functions of the forebrain, however, have changed somewhat. The cortex is highly developed with a high capacity for complex thinking & problem solving.
D. The brain has three main parts, the cerebrum, cerebellum, & brain stem. The cerebrum is responsible for things such as memory, speech, voluntary behaviors, & thought.


A. Theforebraincontainsthecerebralcortex&surroundsthebrainstem&midbrain.Inhumans,itishighlydeveloped&hasaverycomplicatedstructure.
B. Thecerebralcortexhastwocerebralhemispheres&afolded,wrinkledsurface.Eachgrooveisknownasasulcuswhileeachbumpisknownasagyrus.Thetoplayerofthecortexisabouttwomillimetersthick&hasatotalsurfaceareaofabout1.5m^2.
C. Thecerebrumisdividedintotwohemispheres,arighthemisphere,&alefthemisphere.Thetwohemispheresworkincoordination,althoughonesideisdominant.e.g.,righthandedpeoplehaveadominantleftcerebralhemisphere.Thebrain'srighthemispherecontrolsmovementsonthebody'sleftside,whilethelefthemispherecontrolsmovementsonthebody'srightside.
D. Eachofthecerebralcortexismadeupof4interconnectedlobeswhichincludethefrontallobe,parietallobe,occipitallobe,&temporallobethathavebeenassociatedwithdifferentfunctionsrangingfromreasoningtoauditoryperception.
