Animal welfare and the potential for pain and distress to be experienced by animals used in science have concerned the general public and thoughtful researchers for a short time.
Over the past 60 years the 3Rs have become widely accepted ethical principles, and are now embedded in the conduct of animal-based science throughout few countries in the world.
A. 对
B. 错
In the 3R principles, refinementreferstomodificationsofhusbandryorexperimentalprocedurestoenhanceanimalwell-beingandminimizeoreliminatepainanddistress.Whileinstitutionsandinvestigatorsshouldtakeallreasonablemeasurestoeliminatepainanddistressthroughrefinement,IACUCsshouldunderstandthatwithsometypesofstudiestheremaybeeitherunforeseenorintendedexperimentaloutcomesthatproducepain.Theseoutcomesmayormaynotbeeliminatedbasedonthegoalsofthestudy.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错