
Which of the following statements about 'specified pathogen-free (SPF)' of experimental animals are correct?

A. The term most frequently used to describe the microbiological quality is 'specified pathogen-free (SPF)'. This term is often abused and requires explicit definition every time it is used.
B. It means that the absence of individually listed microorganisms has been demonstrated for a population by regular monitoring of a sufficient number of animals at appropriate ages by appropriate and accepted methods.
C. "SPF" animals are morphologically and physiologically normal, well suited for modeling the situation of a human population.
Due to the very low risk of introducing agents, influences of micro-organisms on the health of the animals or on the results of experiments are less likely compared to conventionally housed animals.


How do you minimizepathogenintroductionintoexperimentalanimals:

B. Keephandsawayfrommouth,noseandeyes
C. Wearprotectiveglovesandcoat
D. Removeglovesandwashhandsbeforeleavingtheanimalareas


A. Use mechanical pipettes (not mouth pipettes)
B. Never eat, drink, smoke, handle contact lenses, take or apply medicines in animal areas
C. Take care to avoid creating splashes or aerosols in animal areas
D. If creating aerosols, use a safety cabinet


A. Wear eye protection
B. Keep animal room doors closed
C. Decontaminate work surfaces promptly and wipe up spills
Decontaminate infected waste before disposal

Methods of animal euthanasia include:

A. Intravenous anesthetics: barbiturates
B. Inhalants: isoflurane, sevoflurane, CO2, N2, CO
Cervical dislocation: breaking or fracturing of the neck
D. Intracardiac or intraperitoneal injection: pentobarbital
