?Read the article about supermarket.<br>?Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.<br>?For each gap 8—12, mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.<br>?Do not use any letter more than once.<br>?There is an example at the beginning.<br>Supermarket<br>Supermarket is a type of retailing institution that has a moderately broad product assortment spanning groceries and some nonfood lines, that ordinarily emphasizes price in either an offensive or defensive way. As a method, supermarket retailing features several related product lines, a high degree of self-service, largely centralized checkout, and competitive prices. The supermarket approach to retailing is used to sell various kinds of merchandise, (8) .<br>The term supermarket usually refers to an institution in the grocery retailing field. Most supermarkets emphasize price. Some use price offensively by featuring low prices in order to attract customers. Other supermarkets use price more defensively by relying on leader pricing to avoid a price disadvantage. Since supermarkets typically have very thin gross margins, they need high levels of inventory turnover to achieve satisfactory returns on invested capital.<br>Supermarkets originated in-the early 1930s. They were established by independents (9) . Supermarkets were an immediate success, and the innovation was soon adopted by chain stores. In recent decades supermarkets have added various nonfood lines to provide customers with one-stop shopping convenience and to improve overall gross margins.<br>Today stores using the supermarket method of retailing are dominant in grocery retailing. However, different names are used to distinguish these institutions (10) .<br>A superstore is a larger version of the supermarket. It offers more grocery and nonfood items (11) . Many supermarket chains are emphasizing superstores in their new construction.<br>Combination stores are usually even larger than superstore. They, too, offer more groceries and nonfoods than a supermarket but also most product lines found in a large drugstore. Some combination stores are joint ventures between supermarkets and drug chains such as Kroger and Sav-on.<br>For many years the supermarket has been under attack from numerous competitors. For example, a grocery shopper can choose among not only many brands of supermarkets but also various types of institutions (ware house stores, gourmet shops, meat and fish markets, and convenience stores). Supermarkets have reacted to competitive pressures (12) : Some cut costs and stressed low prices by offering more private brands and generic products and few customer services. Others expanded their store size and assortments by adding more nonfood lines (especially products found in drugstores), groceries attuned to a particular market area (foods that appeal to a specific ethnic group, for example), and various service departments (including video rentals, restaurants, delicatessens, financial institutions, and pharmacies).<br>A including building materials, office products, and, of course, groceries<br>B attracting more customers with their low prices<br>C primarily in either of two ways<br>D to compete with grocery chains<br>E a type of retailing institution<br>F by size and assortment<br>G than a conventional supermarket does<br>(8)
&8226;Read the article below about advertising.<br>&8226;Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.<br>&8226;For each gap 8--12, mark one letter (A--G) on your Answer Sheet.<br>&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.<br>ADVERTISING<br>Advertising is part of our daily lives. To find proof, you have only to leaf through a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening. Most people see and hear a mass of advertising messages every day. And people respond to the many devices that advertisers use to gain their attention. Advertising is a big business, and, to many people, a fascinating one, filled with attraction and excitement. It is part literature, part art, and part show business. Advertising is the difficult business of bringing information to great numbers of people. The purpose of an advertisement is to make people respond into make them react to an idea, (8) .<br>At the beginning of the 20th century, advertising was described as "salesmanship in print". If this definition were expanded to include radio and television, it would still stand today.<br>(9) It can be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece-- who, for a fee, shouted out messages about a company's products to one and all.<br>(10) This early ad was the work of William Caxton, England's first printer, who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio. Caxton posted small printed notices along London's main streets. This same sort of simple, informational advertising is still used. (11) . The Industrial Revolution, in the 18th and 19th centuries, brought a new kind of advertising. Large factories took the place of small workshops, and goods were produced in large quantities. Manufacturers used the newly built railroads to distribute their products over wide areas. They had to find many thousands of customers in order to stay in business. They could not simply tell people where shoes or cloth or tea could be bought--they had to learn how to make people want to buy a specific product.<br>Advertising agencies began to develop in the United States just after the Civil War. (12) But they soon added the service of writing and producing advertisements.<br>From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highly specialized and profitable business.<br>A Advertising is very old.<br>B Examples include the roadside signs that tell travelers that they can buy fresh corn just down the road or that there is a restaurant in the next town.<br>C Thus modern advertising was born.<br>D Advertising is part of our daily lives.<br>E such as helping to prevent forest fires, or to make them want to buy a certain product or service.<br>F At first, the chief objective of these agencies was to sell space in the various media, mainly newspapers and magazines.<br>G The first printed advertisement in the English language appeared in 1478, more than a century before Shakespeare's first play was produced.<br>(8)
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