The roots of synthetic biology can be traced to a landmark publication by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod in _______. Insights from their study of the lac operon in E. coli led them to posit the existence of regulatory circuits that underpin the response of a cell to its environment.
A. 1951
B. 1955
C. 1961
D. 1965
Contemporary understanding of synthetic biology was given by ____________ geneticist Wacław Szybalski in a panel discussion during Eighteenth Annual "OHOLO" Biological Conference on Strategies for the Control of Gene Expression in 1973 Zichron Yaakov, Israel.
A. German
B. Russian
C. English
D. Polish
A notable advance in synthetic biology occurred in _______, when two articles in Nature by Michael B. Elowitz et al. at CalTech and Stanislas Leibler et al. at the Rockefeller University discussed the creation of synthetic biological circuit devices of a genetic toggle switch and a biological clock by combining genes within E. coli.
A. 1995
B. 1998
C. 2000
D. 2005
In _______, researchers at Washington University reported synthesis of the 9.6 kbp (kilo base pair) hepatitis C virus genome from chemically synthesized 60 to 80-mers.
A. 1995
B. 1997
C. 2000
D. 2003
In _______, researchers at SUNY Stony Brook succeeded in synthesizing the 7,741 base poliovirus genome from its published sequence, producing the second synthetic pathogen genome. This took about two years of work.
A. 1998
B. 2000
C. 2002
D. 2004