During the trail and error process, when the learner gets satisfactory results through responding to the stimulus situation, the connection force is enforced. Such thing belongs to ( ).
A. law of effect
B. law of exercise
C. law of readiness
D. law of contiguity (接近律)
Under the intermittent reinforcement condition, the feature of behavior is ( ).
A. rapid establishment and rapid extinction.
B. rapid establishment and slow extinction.
C. slow establishment and rapid extinction.
D. slow establishment and slow extinction.
The “Law of Readiness”of Thordike coincides with ( )of modern Learning Psychology.
A. motivation principle;
B. reinforcement theory;
C. Developmental principle;
D. the concept of maturity.
Why did Thorndike regard”law of exercise” as “law of effect” during his latter academic career? ( )
A. Because exercises were the chances for effects;
Because there were no learning promotions after only practices without satisfatory results;
C. Because more practices, more tiredness;
D. Because false habits were constructed through practices without correct instructions.
The correct standard to discriminate operant conditioning from classical conditioning is ( ).
A. if the conditioning response is reinforced directly;
B. if the new S-R connection has formed;
C. if the reinforcement emerges before the new response or not;
D. if response is voluntary or not;