In the case “the little boy is afraid of the doctor”, which is the unconditioned stimulus(US) ( ).
A. the boy
B. the doctor
C. the injection of needle
D. Crying
In the case “the little boy is afraid of the doctor”, which is the conditioned stimulus(CS) ( ).
A. the boy
B. the doctor
C. the injection of needle
D. crying
If we developed a Conditioning Response for a special Conditioning Stimulus, some new Conditioning Stimulus will also cause the original Conditioning Response. Pavlov called this phenomenon ( ).
A. discrimination
B. generalization
C. assimilation
D. equilibrium
”The little child is afraid of the white coated people”in this example, ( )is.
A. the operant conditioning
B. the classical conditioning
C. sensitization
D. Habituation
( ) refers to the tendency to respond to a very restricted range of stimuli or to only the one used during training.
A. discrimination
B. generalization
C. assimilation
D. equilibrium