

A. 正常胎心每分钟120~160次
B. 横位在脐周听取
C. 右骶前位在母腹脐上右侧听取
D. 头先露在母腹脐上两侧听取
E. 妊娠6个月前,胎心音多在脐下正中线处听到


Where does the writer most probably live?

A. Houston.
B. Manhattan.
C. New York.
D. Unknown.

Why did the man and his wife go to their favorite restaurant for dinner?

A. Because the man lost twenty pounds.
Because the restaurant is their favorite.
C. Because they were tired of the restaurant in Manhattan.
D. Because they wanted to celebrate the successful conclusion of his diet.

Why is the process of gathering data important for customer satisfaction measurement?

A. Because this is where many organizations fail.
Because this is where this particular restaurant failed.
C. Because proper questionnaire design is just the first step in the process.
D. Because it helps to obtain a representative sample of customers and keep bias to a minimum.

What did the owner’s note in the questionnaire begin with?

A few standard measurement items.
B. It began with the words “I really want to know”.
C. A brief customer satisfaction survey.
D. A room for comments.
