Why do entrepreneurs in new ventures have to prepare a business model?
A. To show investors how much capital the new product team will need
B. To show investors the likely return on the investment they will receive
C. To show potential customers that the new venture will be successful and the risk of having the new venture as a supplier go out of business is low.
D. To show potential business partners and potential employees that their risk of having the new venture go out of business is low.
E. All of the above.
Which of the following is not one of the 9 parts of the business model canvas?
A. Customer Segments
B. Value Proposition
C. Key Partners
D. Key Investors
E. Key Activities
What method for dividing customers into customer segmentsis most effective?
A. Segment by benefits the customers are seeking
B. Segment by the problems the customers are experiencing
C. Segment by the customers’ attitudes towards risk
D. Segment by the price customers are willing to pay
E. All of the above
How can you manage customer relationships?
A. Using technology only (Like Amazon.com)
B. Using person to person interaction only (Like Tomk’s relationship with his hair stylist Lisa Loufas)
C. Using a combination of both technology and person to person interaction
D. All of a. b. and c.
E. None of the above
In the distributionpart of the business model canvas, what are benefits of selling direct to customers rather than using other companies as distributors and retailers?
A. Lower costs
Better understanding of customers via direct relationships with them
C. Higher prices
D. a. and b. above
E. b. and c. above