- 下列施工进度控制工作中,属于监理工程师工作的是( )。
- 形成性评价的根本目的是()。
- 关于教育经费“三个增长”的规定包含()等内容。
- 教师在进行教学设计或教案编制时,必须要()。
- ()内驱力是指一个人想获得自己所附属的长者的赞许和认可,取得应有的赏识的欲望。
- 提高质量是教育改革发展的核心任务,树立科学的质量观,把()作为衡量教育质量的根本标准。
- 职业适应良好的教师在教育教学工作中总处于快乐、饱满、振奋的主导情绪当中,因为他们不会有负面情绪。()
- 为了考察青少年创造力的大小,需要使用专门的创造力测验,目前使用较为广泛的创造力测验有()。
- 高中生在知觉过程中,将知觉对象从背景中迅速选择出来的特征,是知觉()的反映。
- 前些日子我毫不犹豫地和辉哥、胖子桃园结义了,虽然老师、父母告诫这是所谓的江湖义气,但我始终不觉得这有什么不好,我再也不想听到他们这样唠唠叨叨了!胖子偷偷地喜欢上了班花小丽,其实我看得出辉哥也喜欢,老实说我也喜欢她,在看过《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》之后,我们彼此招供了,于是约定:公平竞争。多方探听,才知道小丽每周末都去市图书馆做义工。于是我今天一放学就跑到图书馆,好不容易才说服管理员同意我加入小丽所在的义工小组,看来我的口才还真不错!OHYEAH!!——改编自某高中男生的网络日志请结合日志内容分析高中生人际关系发展的特点,并运用教育学、心理学相关知识简述开展高中生心理健康教育的方法。
- 合并数门相邻的学科内容形成的综合课程称做__________课程。
- For most of us, work is the central, dominating factor of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, traveling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important, the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner; that because more work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredom, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the foreseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative. Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We can not hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly 0r indirectly from the inequality at work. Still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society. The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and the others’ working lives. Most important of all, they have the opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, work is a boring, monotonous, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable for themselves by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership. What advantage do managers have over the other workers
- 父母不依法履行监护职责,或者侵害未成年人合法权益的,不适宜的解决主体是()。
- 高中生要进行创造性活动,需要具备()。
- 老师找生气的学生谈心,让他把不满说出来,出出气,这属于情绪调节中的()。
- 以下关于品德的理解,正确的是()。
- ()有利于高中生对社会生活进行切身体验。
- 课堂教学评价结果的反馈通常以()的形式开展,其主要的方法是评价面谈。
- 学习动机是促使学生学习的动力,表现为学习愿望、学习动力等。对学生的学习起维持调节作用。中学教师应当了解中学生学习动机的特点,以便更好地调动学生的积极性。中学生学习动机的特点表现为()。
- 下列观点不正确的是()。
- 可用“蜡烛”、“粉笔”、“人梯”来等同于教师这一职业形象。()
- 关于情绪与情感的联系,正确的有()。
- 高中班主任培养高中生健康情绪和良好态度的策略有()。
- 科学的三大特征是()。
- “无边落木潇潇下,不尽作业滚滚来。君子坦荡荡,小人写作业。商女不知亡国恨,隔江尤在写作业。举头望明月,低头写作业。洛阳亲友来相问,就说我在写作业。少壮不努力,老大写作业。垂死病中惊坐起,今天还没写作业。生当作人杰,死亦写作业。人生自古谁无死,来世继续写作业。众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人正在灯下写作业。” 2013年3月27日的《中国教育报》发表了原国家教委副主任柳斌同志的文章,文中引用了这首《作业歌》,柳斌同志指出现行教育往往把“应试科目”和“题海”打包成一个笼子,名字叫“作业”,再把学生一一关进这个笼子,没完没了地写作业,他呼吁应把学生从“作业困局”中解放出来。 请设计某学科的暑假作业,要求在设计中解决上述问题。
- 教师在学校工作时心情是否舒畅,工作是否积极,很大程度上取决于教师与学校领导关系的好坏。要处理好与学校管理者的关系,教师应当注意做到()。
- 影响学生同一性建构的因素包括()。
- 家庭教养方式是一成不变的,所以要教会高中生主动适应自己的家庭教养方式。()
- 父母认为学校的教育不合理或者不符合家长要求,有权拒绝让适龄孩子到学校上学。()
- 教师硬性要求学生放学后留在教室自习,对他们进行作业辅导并收费。下列看法正确的是()。
- 老师让学生以“我市文化市场的现状及其调控”为课题开展研究性学习活动。研究小组在确定了要访谈出版社主编以后,心里有一种说不出的兴奋。课外活动时,课题小组的成员兴高采烈地去采访那位相当有成就的诗人主编。这说明教师具有()的能力。
- 以权威自居,习惯于居高临下、发号施令,要求学生绝对服从,这属于()教师。
- 简述义务教育阶段的培养目标。
- “重要他人”是美国社会学家米尔斯在米德的()基础上首先明确提出的一个概念。
- 一些单亲家庭家长经常说“孩子缺少父(母)爱很可怜”之类的话,这属于()类型的教育误区。
- 某工程主体结构的钢筋分项已通过质量验收,共20个检验批。验收过程曾出现1个检验批的一般项目抽检不合格、2个检验批的质量记录不完整的情况,该分项工程所含的检验批合格率为( )。
- 教师在依法履行遵守宪法、法律和职业道德,为人师表这一义务时,不应该()。
- 当代教学评价呈现的新的特点,下列表述有误的是()。
- 学校强制学生购买教辅,遭到家长举报,可做()等处理。
- 根据所要评价对象的整体状态确定评价标准,以被评价对象中的某一个或若干个为基准,通过把各个被评价对象与基准进行对照比较,判定出评价对象在这一集体中所处位置的一种评价方法,称为()。
- ()水平的提问可用来帮助学生根据一定的标准来判断材料的价值,教师常用的关键词有“判断”、“你对……有什么看法”等。
- 一般而言,高中生喜欢老师最优先考虑的标准是()。
- “无边落木潇潇下,不尽作业滚滚来。君子坦荡荡,小人写作业。商女不知亡国恨,隔江尤在写作业。举头望明月,低头写作业。洛阳亲友来相问,就说我在写作业。少壮不努力,老大写作业。垂死病中惊坐起,今天还没写作业。生当作人杰,死亦写作业。人生自古谁无死,来世继续写作业。众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人正在灯下写作业。” 2013年3月27日的《中国教育报》发表了原国家教委副主任柳斌同志的文章,文中引用了这首《作业歌》,柳斌同志指出现行教育往往把“应试科目”和“题海”打包成一个笼子,名字叫“作业”,再把学生一一关进这个笼子,没完没了地写作业,他呼吁应把学生从“作业困局”中解放出来。 请分析上述材料所反映的作业问题。
- 关于工程延期审批原则的说法,正确的是( )。
- 高中时期能达到记忆的“高峰”,高中生处于记忆的“全盛”时期。()
- 从暗示的角度来看,“话里有话”是一种()。
- 个人在从事活动之前,估计自己所能达到的目标的高低被称为()。
- 一私立学校老师许某说道,学校寒假不发工资并声称合同上规定是按实际工作日计算,而待遇上规定工资中包含五险一金,但是学校要求教师自行解决,对这一问题错误的解释是()。
- 非法招用未满十六周岁的未成年人,情节不严重的,()。
- 简述秦统一的历史原因。
- 班主任既通过对集体的管理去间接影响个人,又通过对个人的直接管理去影响集体,从而把对集体和个人的管理相结合的管理方式是()。
- 我国学校德育内容包含的两个层次为()。
- 高中生班级人际关系的作用主要表现在()等方面。
- 学生学业评价的()模式,将评价看作是学生学习的结果与预定教学目标相对照的过程;并以此作为对课堂方案、教学过程以及学习质量进行评价的依据。
- 道德发展的前世俗水平包括()。
- 几个学生正趴在树下兴致勃勃地观察着什么,一个教师看到他们满身是灰的样子,生气地走过去问:“你们在干什么”“听蚂蚁唱歌呢。”学生头也不抬,随口而答。“胡说,蚂蚁怎么会唱歌”老师的声音提高了八度。严厉的斥责让学生猛地从“槐安国”里清醒过来,于是一个个小脑袋耷拉下来,等候老师发落。这个案例说明教师()。
- 权威性家庭教养方式的特点是()。
- 教师考核应注意遵循下列哪些原则以利于调动教师的积极性、创造性,增强教师的事业心、责任心?()
- 王某担任某县高三英语教师期间通过了硕士研究生入学考试,学校以王某服务期未满、学校英语教师不足为由不予批准王某在职学习,王某应该()。
- 有些边远地区的农村家庭为了减轻家庭负担,让女孩子上完初中就辍学外出打工。这实际上是侵犯了未成年人的()。
- 《深圳市中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2011—2020)》提出要“整合全市教育资源,建立市民终身学习制度。形成全体市民学有所教、学有所成的教育体系”,下面相关论述正确的有()。
- fixed cost
- ()是一种有意识、有计划、持久的知觉活动,是知觉的高级形态。
- balance sheet
- 2003年4月12日,按照学校的要求,重庆市某校学生丁某于上午8时到校补课,但未按时到校,其班主任汪某询问她迟到的原因时用木板打她,并当着全班同学的面对她讲:“你学习不好,长得也不漂亮,连坐台都没有资格。”12时29分左右,丁某从该校教学楼八楼跳下身亡。重庆市渝中区人民法院经过审理作出一审判决,判被告人汪某犯侮辱罪,判处有期徒刑一年,缓刑一年。这个案例说明()。
- Time for another global-competitiveness alert. In the Third International Mathematics and Science Study--which last year tested a half-million students in 41 countries- American eighth graders 21 below the world average in math. And that’s not even 22 part. Consider this as you try to 23 which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century: the top 10 percent of America’s math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global 24 , Singapore. It isn’t exactly a news flash these days 25 Americans score behind the curve on international tests. But educators say this study is 26 because it monitored variables both inside and outside the classroom. Laziness- the factor often 27 for Americans’ poor performance--is not the culprit here. American students 28 spend more time in class than pupils in Japan and Germany. 29 , they get more homework and watch the same amount of TV. The problem, educators say, is not the kids but a curriculum that is too 30 . The study found that lessons for U.S. eighth graders contained topics mastered by seventh graders in other countries. Teachers actually agree that Americans need to 31 their kids to more sophisticated math earlier. Unfortunately, experts say, the teachers don’t recognize that 32 these concepts are taught is as important as the concepts themselves. Most educators rely 33 on textbooks and rote learning (死记硬背) . While many textbooks cover 34 ideas, most do so superficially, 35 students with the techniques but not the mastery of the broader principles. 33()
- Translate the underlined parts into Chinese: The Internet is good at shame. 1) There are countless websites where people can post nasty complaints about ex-lovers and rude customers or, worse, push fragile teens over the edge, as in the recent case of a Missouri girl driven to suicide by online bullying. Now a new site aimed at college students is raising questions about the legality of online rumor mills. 2) Juicy Campus. corn is a rapidly growing gossip site that solicits content with the promise of anonymity. But what began as fun and games--and now has sub-companies on seven college campuses, including Duke University, where it began -- has turned ugly and, in many cases, to be flatly smearing others. The posts have devolved from innocuous tales of secret crushes to racist tirades and lurid finger-pointing about drug use and sex, often with the alleged culprit identified by first and last name. In one post, a nameless Loyola Marymount University student asks why so many African-Americans and Latinos are enrolled at the school: "I thought the high tuition was supposed to keep the undesirables OUT" 3) It’s gotten to the point, says Dan Belzer, a Duke senior who has written about the site for his school’s newspaper, where "anyone with a grudge can maliciously attack defenseless students." 4) And get away with it, too. Juicy Campus- whose Duke-graduate founder, Matt Ivestor, declined to comment for this story--isn’t sponsored by the schools it covers, so administrators can’t regulate it. Neither does the law. Such sites are protected by a federal law that immunizes Web hosts from liability for the musings of their users--as long as the hosts themselves don’t modify content. (And firmly establishing the identity of an individual poster would be next to impossible.) The rationale is to protect big companies like AOL from the actions of each and every user. But as a consequence, it means victims of a damaged rep have little legal recourse. "Courts tend to have antiquated understandings of privacy," says Daniel Solove, an expert in cyberlaw and the author of The Future of Reputation. "Until that changes we’re going to see this keep happening." 5) At present, there’s only one sure way to rein in a site like Juicy Campus: persuade everyone to stop using it. But you don’t need a college degree to figure out that won’t happen. 5.At present, there’s only one sure way to rein in a site like Juicy Campus: persuade everyone to stop using it. But you don’t need a college degree to figure out that won’t happen.